Thursday 10 November 2011



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Wednesday 26 October 2011

History of Computer Hardware Engineering

History of Computer Hardware Engineeringthumbnail
Computer hardware

Computer engineering is inextricably linked to the computer itself. In order for there to be a profession involving people who build something, there must have been at least the idea of that object. So arguably, the first computer engineer was its first builder. This profession is unique in that to progress in the field you literally need that which you've already built. Engineers have learned that for a computer to be effective, it needs to be electrically based, reprogrammable, use transistors, portable and user-friendlr

  1. The First Computers

    • The first computer that used electricity was invented in Germany by Konrad Zuse in 1936. There were prior computers that didn't use electricity, instead using tubes or machinery to store information. However, these designs were too large and bulky, so storing information with these mechanical components proved unfeasible. In the future, there may eventually be computers that are organic and do not use electricity, but the current types in production work with electricity. This became the first rule for computer engineers, use what works, and electricity works.


    • The next major advance in computer engineering came about through the idea of making a computer programmable. The computer developed by Konrad Zuse is often considered the first real computer because it was reprogrammable. It is easy to make something that stores information once, for example, paper. A computer requires the ability to erase and rewrite information.


    • Perhaps the greatest contribution made by computer engineers was the invention of the transistor. The transistor allows a computer to store information in a smaller size and is easily reprogrammable. The TX-0 was the first computer to use the transistor; it was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1956. Computers rapidly improved after this innovation and have continued to make leaps and bounds. As of 2010, there are computer hard drives that measure in the terabytes. Terabytes are 1,000 billion bytes, a number that would be impossible to achieve without the invention of the transistor.


    • The invention of the Graphical User Interface, or the GUI, made computers much easier to use. This was invented by a computer software engineer, Douglas Engelbart, who developed the oNLine System (NLS) over the years 1965 through 1986. With the advent of the GUI, computer usage became something that normal people could do and not just highly specialized engineers. Through these layers of graphics, we are able to interact with the computer in a much more sophisticated way. Through ease of use, the computer became much more popular and prevalent.


    • Computer engineers were not satisfied with being tied down. So through advances in battery technology, radio transmission and screens, they were able to develop the portable computer. A man named Adam Osborne developed the first laptop in 1981; it weighed a whopping 24 pounds. This portability became the precursor to all our current conveniences, which include embedded microsystems as well as portable phones. Computer engineering has advanced considerably since this major achievement, and who knows what the next big step will be.

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Description Of Computer Hardware Engineer

Nowadays, it is very important not only to have a good computer but also to be able to know some basic information about computers. It is much easier for the users to find out information about their computers nowadays than it was in the past. This is because there are many ways in which we can get informed from books and from the internet. In addition, some people have even considered interesting the idea of becoming computer engineers and this means that they know almost everything that it can be known about PCs and have diplomas to attest their knowledge. In this respect, it is important to know that a job description of computer hardware engineer includes the necessity for that engineer to be able to analyze important data, to determine and to recommend certain steps that users can take to work better with their computers by solving certain problems that might occur within their computers.

job description of computer hardware engineer supposes for the person applying for this job to be able to analyze the user's needs and to recommend that user an appropriate hardware for his computer and other necessary modifications that his hardware might need. Other important aspects related to the computer hardware engineers and their job is the necessity for them to be able to analyze the interface between computer hardware and its software. In addition, it is very important for the hardware engineers to be able to check the performance of a certain type of computer and the way in which the system operates and also certain problems that might be affecting it to operate properly. A computer hardware engineer must be able to discover, by using specific types of test tools what kind of problems a user encounters when his computer does not work as it should and how to overcome that problem.


The way in which the equipment functions and the necessary modifications that a system might need in order to operate properly are also important aspects related to the job description of computer hardware engineer. Furthermore, the engineers must be able to know everything about computer hardware components, their functions, the errors that might occur within a computer because of them not working properly and how to overcome all of these problems.  The engineers must be able to recognize the meaning of certain data, to analyze it and to draw important conclusion related to them. Computer hardware engineers usually work together with technicians, engineering designers and other persons specialized within the same field of activity. The computer hardware engineer can also be required to provide training to other technicians and engineer designers in certain fields of activity regarding computer technology.


A job description of computer hardware engineer also includes the necessity for the person applying for this job to be aware of the necessity to have information related to the latest technology in computer hardware and to be able to update not only his knowledge but also his skills whenever this is required. In what concerns the educational requirements for those who want to apply for a job of computer hardware engineer is that they must obtain a four year degree in the computer engineering field. Some fields of activity also require a master degree that can help the student become specialized in certain areas that can help him or her become appropriate for a certain job. When these persons are studying to become able to apply for such a job they learn about computer hardware, computer programming and many other necessary information related to computers in general.

IT Technician With Server Cables

A job description of computer hardware engineer requires important steps to be followed by the persons applying for this job so as to acquire the necessary skills. They are supposed to have a very good programming type of ability, a good ability of solving scientific problems related to computers, an ability of understanding certain problems that might occur within a computer and how to overcome them by following certain troubleshooting steps. In general, it is very important for this job to be able to analyze data and to reason so as to become able to reach a conclusion and in the same time a solution for a certain problem.


A job description of computer hardware engineer also includes for the person applying to it to have good communication skills and the ability to order and connect information and data in order to be able to reach a conclusion and a solution. Furthermore, it is very important to know that a computer hardware engineer must also have the necessary knowledge about software as well and not only about computer hardware. Computer hardware engineers usually deal with designing computer peripherals and need to have good communication skills in order to discuss and make himself understood by the other members of the company in which he works. In order to be able to design certain computer peripherals the computer hardware engineer must pay attention to many factors and to have a very good knowledge so that his project might be a successful one. After a certain product has been thought and analyzed by a computer engineer, the next step for him is to assemble that product and afterwards to test it so as to see whether everything is in order and functioning properly or not.


Nowadays, there are many fields of activity in which different persons can decide to work and for which they have to get prepared and obtain a diploma. Among these fields of activity, a very important one is that concerning computers and technology in general. There are people very interested and talented and who prepare themselves to apply for ajob of computer hardware engineer. A description of the job of computer hardware engineer requires many conditions to be fulfilled by the persons applying for it. Computer hardware engineers must be well prepared, to have good communication skills and a very good ability in analyzing and ordering important information for their work and the products that they design. It requires talent and hard work. There is a great amount of information that these persons have to acquire before becoming able to apply to a job of computer hardware engineer.

Types Of Computer Hardware: Basics

Computer Hardware
Types Of Computer Hardware: Basics 101c
The personal computer consists of multiple computer hardware or multiple devices linked together to create a whole working machine. Some of the hardware are external such as keyboards, printers and mouse that is connected via cable or other methods. These hardware need to be installed via a software program before it can run. They increase the efficiency of the personal computer, and do tasks such as business, design, entertainment and more. Here are the main types of computer hardware that you can buy for your PC.
1. Hard drive – also called hard disk, it is the permanent storage space that stores all information and applications of the computer, retaining the space even when it is turned off.
2. Motherboard – Considered as the most important types of computer hardware. The motherboard houses the microprocessor, providing the necessary sockets and slots that connect to all other types of computer hardware.
Thus the motherboard serves as the ‘mediator’, a channel that allows the components to work together and walk to each other, making it a whole and completely working unit.
3. RAM – short for Random Access Memory. It is the memory used to process applications. RAM is lost when the computer is turned off.
4. ROM – short for Read Only Memory. It serves as memory for storage of programs.
5. Storage Devices – External storage devices like CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives are important as removable storage devices that you can take from one personal computer to another.
6. Power Supply Unit (PSU) – this converts the AC power to low voltage DC power, integral for the internal components of the PC.
7. Sound Card – responsible for the PC’s audio input and output, necessary for games, music and other multimedia programs.
8. Keyboard – an input device used to input text & characters by pressing the keys.
9. Mouse – pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion to the surface. Other pointing devices include the track ball, the touch pad and the touch screen.
10. Joystick – a gaming device with a handheld stick that pivots from left to right and up to down, detecting angles in two and three dimensions.
11. Image input devices – includes scanners and web cams, these devices are used to provide input of images, written text, handwriting, etc for digital use.
12. Image output devices – the printer, used to produce a physical and permanent text or graphic document.
13. Audio input devices – the microphone is used to record or provide input through sound conversion to electrical signals.
14. Audio output devices – headphones and speakers that allows you to hear the audio coming from the computer.
15. Monitor – the monitor is an electronic visual display that shows the graphical and textual information of the computer. There are may types of monitors, such as the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), which is almost obsolete, the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) which is the most common monitor used nowadays, and the touch screen display.
All these types of computer hardware can contribute to the overall experience of your computer. It can make your computer faster, brighter and more entertaining. Some of the computer hardware are necessary for your PC to work, while others amplifies the whole experience.
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Computer Hardware
You've got the content, you've got the computer, you've got the TV; now get yourself some hardware to make the computer-to-TV and TV-streaming experience complete. There are several options. Why not buy a Panasonic DMP-BDT210 Blu-ray Player ($ 145.17, 
Computer Hardware question by John P: what is the quickest and most effective way of learning about computer hardware?
PC hardware not Mac. I am taking a class on the subject of computer hardware, but it doesn’t seem to be sticking very well.

Understanding Computer Hardware and Components

Computer Hardware
Computer Hardware
Understanding Computer Hardware and Components
Computer Hardware
Computer hardware is something that can be confusing enough. We have a rough understanding of what computers are and how they function; however, we do not understand much about the functions of computer hardware and why these are important for use. It is important to note that computer hardware and components are important for our system; the hardware parts are the central part of a computer that allows the machine to carry out the tasks efficiently.
It is known to us that the computer starts working when the hardware power is on. Computer hardware can be defined as plain magnetic or electronic or electric device that carries out various computing functions. Hardware is basically the physical component of computer like the motherboard, RAM, hard disk and microprocessor. There are some additional peripheral devices as well, such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, printer etc. The programs running on computer, such as Photoshop, Windows etc are basically the software components that are equally important.
Computer hardware can also be defined in yet another way. Hardware components are basically devices that act as executors of commands that are being provided by some software applications. For instance, you might want to see what actually happens when you are clicking on the print button of browsing software. You will see that some commands are provided to computer process, which acts as the central part of your computer hardware. Processor would check for the device that is required to carry out the task and get the job done. There would be series of steps involved according to the requirement of the software application and the process through which the hardware has to function.
The microprocessor is the main source of keeping the computer hardware alive.  The microprocessor functions exactly light the sun for the solar system. It is considered to be the major component and the mother of all components. It has been integrated into a chip with all the functions specifically incorporated in it. There are 2 specifications that would determine the efficiency of the microprocessor – the processing speed and the bit rate. The commonly available microprocessors are of 32 and 64 bit. Bit rate of microprocessors measures the efficiency of each processor for carrying out various operations simultaneously.
It is impossible to define computer hardware without talking about the memory types that are used for the same – permanent memory and random access memory or RAM is the two basic memory types that are used. The permanent memory is also called magnetic storage capacity of the hard disk, and is measured as gigabytes. The second one is RAM which can store data once the computer is powered. The memory loses all data once is computer is powered off.
Motherboard is the next most important computer hardware component that one cannot miss when defining the different parts that make a complete computer system. The motherboard is an electronic circuit designed in the form of a board. It is on this board that all computer components are parts are inserted for functioning. Sound cards, network card, data card, modem and video card are all inserted into the motherboard to complete the entire hardware spectrum.  

Computer Hardware Information (CPU)

TPM 7.1 Notes

After checking out TPM 7.1 for a little while, I thought I would post some of my observations on this new version.

Get ready for another big download. To download the media for Windows, it was approximately 15GB. I also downloaded the Linux media, but really they do share a bunch between the various OS installs, so this was only another 5GB. The IBM document for downloading is located at

For now, I have only done the Windows based install as I was more interested in the actual product usage rather than fighting with an install at this time. Little did I know that the install would be a bit of a fight.

I decided to go with the default install for now just to get it up and running. So I brought up my trusty Windows 2003 SP2 VM image and started to prep it for the installation. Since the disk requirements were more than I allocated to my C drive, I created a new drive and allocated 50GB for an E drive. I then extracted the images to the E drive and started installing. After a few pages of entering information, I started to get failures. After checking around and asking IBM support, it turns out the default install is only supported on one volume (this is in the documentation, but not really clear as I was installing everything on one “volume”, the E drive). So I had to increase the C drive space (thanks to VMware Converter) and start again. After that the install went fine. It took about 5 hours to complete.

Start Up
Starting TPM is not much different than it was in the 5.x versions. There is a nice little icon to start and stop TPM. The only issue I had is that the TDS (Tivoli Directory Server) does not start automatically. This means that you cannot log in! You have to manually start the TDS service. I am sure that this has something to do with startup prereqs, but have not investigated right now.

New User Interface
Because I have used TSRM (Tivoli Service Request Manager), the interface was not that foreign to me, but still way different than the 5.x interface. I find that it is not as fluid as the old interface but is way more powerful and flexible. With a proper layout, I am sure that it can be way easier to navigate than 5.x.

One thing that does bug me is that Internet Explorer is the only supported browser. I have been using Firefox and everything seems to work fine except for the reports (could be just my setup)

The new interface has tabs which are called Start Center Templates. These start Centers can be setup to provide shortcuts into the application that are specific to the function of the user. So if you have someone that is an inventory specialist, you can create a layout that will provide quick access to everything they need to perform their job rather than displaying what they do not need like workflows and security. A user/group can also be assigned multiple Start Center templates. This is useful for using existing templates created for various job functions and providing them to a user whose role spreads multiple areas.
Start Center - Default Provisioning Administrator

There is something new called a Discovery Wizard. These wizards can perform multiple functions for discovery rather than the one step discovery (RXA discovery or inventory). For example, one wizard is called Computer Discovery, Common Agent Installation and Inventory Discovery. This discovery does exactly what it says. The first step will be to discover the computer using the RXA discovery, then once that is completed, install the TCA on the discovered systems, and then do an inventory scan of the systems. Worked pretty nice. The only issue I had is that the default setting for the TCA is to enable the SDI-SAP. This means that in order to perform the inventory scan, the SDI environment needs to be configured first. Either that, or change the global variable TCA.Create.EO.SAP to false.

Computer General Information

Computer Hardware Information (CPU)
Computer Software Information

Reporting for 7.1 is WAY different than 5.x. TPM now uses BIRT to provide reporting instead of the DB2 Alphablox. Now there is good and bad with this new reporting method. The bad thing is that it is quite a bit more complex than the 5.x reports. The 5.x was pretty simple to use and create a report. The good thing is that BIRT is quite a bit more flexible and is being standardized across the various Tivoli products (Tivoli Common Reporting is BIRT with WebSphere) so the experience from one product can be shared across all.

Another note is that reports are no longer used for the dynamic groups. Dynamic groups use something called a query (I think I will follow-up on this in a future blog).

Sample Report – What Hardware is installed on what server

General Comments

The new version of TPM is looking very promising. The interface is very flexible/customizable, which is something that the old interface was not. The old interface did seem to flow a bit better by allowing the opening of new windows and tabs by right clicking on an object. This is not something that can be done in the new interface. The old one was specifically designed for the job it had to do, but really could not do much more, where the new interface will allow for the ability to expand beyond just TPM functions. This new interface is the same one shared by TSRM, TAMIT, TADDM and many other Maximo products.

Now we just need to see what will happen with the new version of TPMfSW (possibly named TDM or Tivoli Desktop Manager) to see what the full direction will be. One other thing that I know is on the list is the new TCA. This was something that I was hoping would be squeaked in (it was not promised for this release) but hopefully the 7.1.1 release will.

If you have any comments or questions, please fire them off and I will see what I can do to answer them.

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